Snzb-06P is not working properly

The Snzb-06P is not working properly. Sometimes it detects a person very late, sometimes it detects immediately, and sometimes it perceives that there is a person for a long time even when no one is present. Even when I unplug it, it still appears to be online in the application for a very long time.

In two videos, the motion sensor triggers slowly, while in one, it triggers very quickly.

and I will add. It also happens that the sensitivity settings and detection duration are lost. Your complaints cannot be fixed in any way. This is a feature of this product and most likely cannot be fixed by software. I assume that this is a hardware problem. I hope that Sonoff will release a more stable device with greater capabilities, otherwise compared to other devices from other brands, this is like a broken toy for children!!!

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You are right, I think the snzb-06p has hardware problem. The snzb-04 door/window sensor also had a delayed trigger, but this problem was resolved in the snzb-04p.

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I agree the SNZB-06P seems to be broken.
I have two and the both seem very hit and miss. I expected SNZB-03P (PIR) to have faster reaction than SNZB-06P (5GHz CW/FM-CW) because of the technology difference.
My observations so far are. The 5GHz signal penetrates concrete walls enough that you can be detected behind a wall. Also having two SNZB-06P in adjoining rooms can cause both to be blind.
Working with a single SNZB-06P the time to initial detection can be as long as 10 seconds. The SNZB-06P will randomly cycle between person present and no person present with one or two people in the room. This is un-desirable behavior, you can be watching a movie and the light will turn on and off regardless how much movement or how still you try to be.

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SNZB-06P is difficult to set. It works best when set (sensitivity - low or medium, detection time - 50 seconds).
Scene set to motion detection or no motion. (do not select light, dark)

set in a room so that it does not catch through walls and is not directed at metal surfaces.

Thank you. I will try

How about we use the snzb-03p for the light to turn on quickly? If someone is in the room, we could use the snzb-06p to prevent it from turning off. I think using both together would solve the problem.

If you have these two devices then of course you can do this. Snzb-03p turns on the light and no movement on snzb-06p turns off the light.

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:+1: This is the best until Snzb-06p is developed.

Bende yukarıdaki sorunların hepsini yaşadım, bu sensör kararlı çalışmıyor.
Zigbee bridge pro ile çok hızlı çalışıyordu, bridge Ultra ile tetikleme süresi 5 saniye oldu, hatta bazen daha fazla bile oluyor. Bu durumu nasıl düzeltenilirim nilmiyorum

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Düzeltemeyiz diye düşünüyorum bence sorun donanımsal. Snzb-04 kapı sensörüde geç tetikleniyordu daha sonradan çıkarttıkları snzb-04p ile bu sorunu çözdüler. Ben varlık sensörünün yanına snzb-03p hareket sensörünü eklemeyi düşünüyorum çünkü hareket sensörü daha kararlı ve daha hızlı. Işıkların açılmasını hareket sensörü yapar odada birisi varken ışıkların kapanmamasını da varlık sensörü halletmiş olur

Bridge pro ile herşey yolunda iken bridge ultra ile tetikleme süresinin 5 saniyenin üzerine çıkmış olması benim aklıma yazılımsal olarak düzeltilmesi gereken bir sorun gibi geldi

Yanlışınız olmasın minimum algılama süresi 15 saniye zaten 5 saniye mümkün değil hareket sensörü ile karıştırıyor olmayın

Tam olarak bahsettiğim konu, sensörün bridge pro ile çalışırken sahneleri 1 saniyede tetikliyordu.
Bridge ultra kullanmaya başlayınca sahne tetikleme hızı 5sani falan oldu.
Yani mutfağa girince hemen ışıklar yanmıyor, 4 yada 5 saniye sonra ışıklar yanıyor.