Smate2 only working in "rocker" mode

Hooked up my smate2 but it only seems to work in rocker mode and even then the app can not differentiate between on and off. It just sees a change of state.

What I need is it to report if the switch is on or off. Isnt that rocker more is supposed to do?

Momentary mode does not do anything at all.

What physic switch do you use? The two modes are for different switch types I suppose. And the device only reports its trigger, not the status of on/off.

Im using a reed switch.
I don’t understand why there would be a rocker mode if it can’t report an on and an off state.
Regardless in momentary mode it does not respond at all.

That’s more like companion devices; you can tell from its naming (mate), it is a little bit different from what you want - a smart relay that reports on/off states

It’s exactly what i want. It’s designed to be triggered by an external switch, its battery powered and its compatible with the nspanel pro. It’s just not doing what its advertised to do.

I could just use a SNZB-04 and hack its internal reed switch to the external float/reed switch. It may be a better solution over all except for battery life

Technically, a reed switch works in the same way as a rocker switch (SPST). The two terminals are either connected to each other or disconnected from each other. So follow the instructions given by port4u. Remember to select the desired operating mode in the application. There are three possibilities. The selector on the S-Mate housing does not quite do the job.

So in rocker mode the smate2 will not differentiate between on and off but only report a change of state? Not what the charge of state is.
Still does not explain why it does not work in momentary mode at all.

Did you select the desired operating mode in the eWeLink app?

I can’t see an operating mode in the app. Only when i build a scene it gives the options of single,double and long press.

What I need is it to report if the switch is on or off
– This can’t be done - S-mate can only detect the switch status change, but it doesn’t know which state your switch is in, and it won’t upload the switch on or off status

I understand that it won’t report the “state” (that would be battery consuming, it would be reporting it “all the time it is in the same state”) and it only reports “transitions”, but I don’t think it should be so difficult to report the “direction of the transition”.

I tried to use an SMate to control a Blind through a DualR3. I have a three position Rocker switch, but I can detect only when the switch is pressed up or down, but not when it is in the middle. The switch does not have springs, so I return it myself to the middle. If I use de SMATE in Button mode, I have to program it using “long press” to shut (or open) the blinds and then a “short press” for stopping them (since it doesn’t recognize the change into the middle position, it involves a second movement up or down). If I use the SMATE in rocker mode, it only detects the change of state and I cannot use it for both, “move” and “stop”. So there would only be full open and full closed.

When I connected the switch directly with cables to the Dual R3, it works as expected, pressing the rocker “UP” starts opening until I move the rocker back to the middle position.

I understand this behavior of the SMATE is because it is intended to be used with switches controlling lights, where the direction of change is not important, since the light can be controlled either from the switch or from the app, which actually changed the direction of the switch itself… But reporting “change-ON” and “change-OFF” instead of just “change” should be possible do do in the firmware, and the devices that use this would uses both commands to toggle a light, and only one of them in each direction for other uses. The scenes would have 3 options for this sensor: “toggle-on”, “toggle-off”, “toggle-both” and keep the “long” and “double press” for the button mode.

The SMATE itself must already be detecting both directions, since to report a short or long button it must be detecting that the signal goes on and how much time it takes to go off, and for that it needs to know the direction of the change (otherwise it would think that a time without pressing could be a “long press” in the opposite direction…)

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