Maybe it’s just that I don’t know how to do it but isn’t it possible to transfer all of the ewelink “my home” administrator rights to someone else? Let’s say I start a monastic or hermit life (if still alive of course) and want to transfer my house administration to a sibiling or maybe a son of mine, how can i do it? I refuse to consider that the only way is to “demolish a whole house and rebuilt it from the foundation” leaving its inhabitants homeless.
I think you can simply change the email of the account to the new owner’s.
Then you can use your original email to create a new account if you continue using eWeLink for another house.
It look simple, thanks.
But what about if I’m already using my account for my other three families homes? Should I transfer all of them to just one wife?
I think it would be much simpler to let users (owners) share a single home/bridfmge/ecosystem" with administrator rights" to families members or whoever they prefer. Obviously this should be an option (don’t want my children mess with my hoyse), just a checkbox to share administrator privileges. Shared home should be visible end administred by two or more accounts. Then any of them will even be able to delete me from administration.
Multi homes in an account is surely troublesome in your case.
If you happen to have a Zigbee setup with Bridge Ultra, you can remove the device from your app, and pair it using a new account. The child devices should appear automatically.
But this trick won’t work with Bridge-P.
Would this work also for settings and smart scenes? I mean, will I find everything configured the same way as in the old account? No need to reconfigure anything?
This will only save you trouble from pairing all the Zigbee devices. But scenes and configuration won’t be preserved.
Then you should really work hard to let user share a whole single home/bridge (and not the whole user account with many homes/bridges) with FULL administration right to multiple accounts as in my first post/feature request. Basic feature available in nany if not all smarthome ecosystems.