I wonder why we have to use 2 scenarios to turn on and to turn off the devices. For example if motion sensor detects motion then room light turns on. It is ok, but we need second scenario to turn it off. And it is ;if there’s no motion detected then turn off the light.
You know motion sensor detects motion and after 1 minute (if there is no motion) it says “no motion detected” So it should be like this: if sensor detects motion then turn on the light=if no motion detected then turn off the light. I mean if I make a scenario (if sensor detects motion then turn on the light) I should not need a second scenario to turn it off. This scenario should turn on the light and if no motion it should turn the light off automatically, without second scenario. Is this possible?
I agree,is so hard to implement if a=true then b=true elseif … b=false in one scene?Or another simple instruction from programming - switch case?