Problem with pairing TRVZB

I bought the NSpanel 120 PRO and added it to the eWelink app. Subsequently I wanted to add TRVZB, but I have a problem with the pairing. I’m doing everything according to the instructions and I can’t seem to find and connect the TVRZB. Can you please help me?

I also tried to add SNZB-06P to the panel and that was successful without any problems.

Do you have just 1 Zigbee network? I have a 2nd and found it much easier to pair to the iHost when the controller of it was powered down.

I tried before to Pair the TRVZB next to my hub but it needs a radiator valve or it shows an error before you get to pair it. Do you have a spare radiator valve to bring it close?

I think you can increase the Zigbee signal strength on the NS Panel Pro. It might still be in beta. That might help.

I have only NSpanel 120 PRO. When I tried to pair the valve with the panel, I had them only a few inches apart, the valve (on the radiator) was transmitting and the panel was looking but nothing was found. It doesn’t report any error, it just times out the search. I tried it several times, even after resetting to factory settings.

I’ve just had a look and under Pilot Features on the NS Panel Pro I have (86mm) there is a “turbo” mode which increases Zigbee power but it sounds like the devices are so close it isn’t needed anyway and you just need to submit a ticket to the support. The instructions aren’t that hard and if you’re putting the TRVZB in pairing mode and the NSPP in a mode to look for pairing requests then I can’t think of anything else to try.

The new firmware for NSpanel solved my problem. Originally the panel firmware was v.3.5 - now v.3.7.0 and the TVRZB device was found and the pairing was successful. After that I upgraded the firmware in TVRZB from v.1.1 to v.1.2.1 and everything seems fine. Only the deviation of the TVRZB temperature measurement is significant.

Thank you for your efforts to help.