Pay for advance plan without saving my details to google

I would like to renew my advance plan, but the only option is to save my card or paypal to google wallet.
I dont want google having the choice to spend my money.
Why cant i pay through paypal or worldpay etc. without saving my details to a third party.
I wont renew until i can pay without google having my card, and authorisation for auto payments.

I have always been able to pay directly with PayPal

Go to and enter your email address that you have for your ewelink account. You should be given the PayPal option.

Your right, i used your link it worked perfectly.
Originally i clicked through the renew email.

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j’aimerais souscrire pour 1 annĂ©e juste pour essayer
si je paie par PayPal est-ce pour 1 an ou chaque annĂ©e je vais ĂȘtre dĂ©bitĂ© ?

merci pour votre réponse

The fee is not automatically debited from your PayPal account. To extend it for a second year, you have to do it yourself.