Nspanel pro thermostat function in router mode

I have a zigbee bridge on one floor with several plugs using it.

I also have nspanel pro on another pro with temperature sensors connected.

So right now i have two independent hubs.

Sometimes the sensors get disconnected. I want to improve the communication by using mesh.

If i switch the nspanel pro to router mode and pair it with the bridge, what will happen? Will i need to pair the sensors again? Will the thermostat function of nspanel pro continue working? As in controlling the boiler relays according to temperature sensors by room?


If you want to use one as a Zigbee router, the device would be reseted and switched to a different firmware.

After the switch, you need to pair any subdevices connected it (the reseted NSPanel Pro) if all devices are attached to another NSPanel Pro, you won’t concern this. Just enable pairing mode on both devices, the router should work for your ZB network.

You can then assign a theromosta and action device in the eWeLink App to the router NSPanel Pro.

Hope this would help.