Ns Panel Pro switch quick timer

Hi, it would be nice adding a one time countdown timer after long pressing the tile of any switch on NS Panel Pro. At the end of the timer the switch could be set to on/off/opposite state. It could be used for example starting an air cleaner/ heater/ fan etc. for the next X minutes.

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Just make a “tap to run” scene. There’s no need to add anything like this.

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Yes, this is a way to do this, but you dont have the flexibility for example to change the time from the panel quickly and you have to create scene for every device. I think the control panel schould give the possibility to controll your devices flexible, without using your phone.

Given the level of access to your proposed function, this will be no easier than using eWeLink app or web-based panel.

:slight_smile: If I have a control panel, I want to use and dont want to use a phone with a slow app, because it is an all-in-one panel (sonoff.tech).

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Slow app?! Your phone is slow :slight_smile:

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