I have successfully put 4 switches in a scene (for my heaters). I can now start them at the same time with one click, great, but I would like to add an option to set a common timer on all of them (45min).
Question how can I add a timer to a scene? (One timer for all in the scene)
What kind of a timer do you need? Time of a day or some inching-like timer?
Well basicaly i wpuld like a timer were i could set minutes like 45 minuten or so
And then what? Switch off/on or something else?
Sèt minuten and Then switch OFF
You may want to try something like this:
It’s a Tap to run type but it can be WebHook or Time of a day, or it can be triggered by other device.
Aha I see what you mean. Thanks very much I am going to play around with this. Brgds,