Ns Panel Pro Losing Zigbee Connections After Every Update

Hi, I have Ns Panel Pro but when device get update losing zigbee connections every time. I re-pairing after update.

Hi,I can’t get any ZigBee subdevices to pair with my NS PANEL PRO. Are you sayi g that you have been able to pair yours?

Yes i m using door sensor and temp sensor. But when ns panel pro get update my zigbee devices going offline after reboot.

@rwtech Thanks for your feedback, we will optimize the Zigbee working performance in the upcoming 1.4.x update.

I have another feedback, we need to add custom screen for devices. When i have 10+ devices its too complited on one screen scrolling. I need custom screen for every room.


Got it, I will discuss and evaluate your request with my team.

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