Thanks, we’ll try to reproduce it.
Hi @SuiKa
On the 1.3 update I see we now also have Fan, AC and Light strip as virtual devices on the register node.
Also in capabilities are listed PM2.5, UV, Eco etc etc. to quote a few. Where are these device capabilities documented for using in the Device Initial State tab on the register node?
For example I can now create a PM2.5 or VOC virtual sensor - what are the capabilities that need specifying in the initial state? Presumably if I had that information I could sync the data from my Tasmota sensor.
Tagging @ward Thanks
Hey SuiKa.
Thank you for your cooperation.
It’s a Aqara Door/Window ZigBee Sensor MCCGQ11LM.
By “ping” I mean the sensor sends a message as it had changed contact state (open/close), although it hasn’t.
This message I can see in Node-RED because I have an automation that sends me a Telegram message with the state change.
“Escritório: Fechada” means “Office: Closed”
@SuiKa Please check the replies
Many thx
Sorry about the delay.
Please send us the node-red log via feedback and the exact time of the problem.
We’ll see if the device report it or just the push message malfunction.
Hey @SuiKa,
Sure, how can I extract and send node-red log?
I’ve repaired another contact sensor with iHost and it started behaving exactly like the one that is send messages each 50 min.
Now both send messages with a 50 min interval, and both have the Contact state (instead of the Detect state like all others).
Thanks, after the last update, everything is working properly
Sure, here it goes, both mosquitto and node-red logs: (26.7 KB)
And the time (UTC-3) the problem occurs:
Sensor 1: 21:56, 22:46, 23:37, 00:27, 01:17, 02:07, 02:57 …
Sensor 2: 21:59, 22:50, 23:40, 00:30, 01:20, 02:11, 03:01 …
I can’t see any log of node-red in these time.
Can you provide the name of event-state node so I can pinpoint which one is problematic.
I’ll treat this “heartbeat” myself with a function node on Node-RED itself.
It would be really cool if the red-cube node displayed information about when some information was passed there. Just like in this HA example.
We’ll take a look at the HA plugin in node-red.
And see if we can make it work.