[Node-RED] Contact sensor event-state node missing states

Hey all

A fix is coming, if everything goes well, it should arrive this week!


@ward I found a bug in the matter bridge and sent you more information via feedback

feedback 212230

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After updating iHost and eWeLink Smart Home docker image, it seems my contact sensors started working again.



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Hey all,

We’ve released a fix for the Node-Red palette to work better with the new API of eWeLink CUBE.

The new version requires an extra switch node to filter states. We will keep optimizing it in the next version.

Please try this out and let us know if it works for your flows.

Thanks for your patience and support.

Yes, my 06-Ps have started reporting present/absent states under msg.payload.payload.motion.motion.
So it seems that changing msg.payload.payload.detect.detected to msg.payload.payload.motion.motion should do the trick.

EDIT: it did! All 06-P based automations are back live! :laughing:

Thanks, appreciate that.


SNZB-04P not work in homebridge

Could you share the code of this flow? I found it very interesting to like to see him and study.

Homebridge plugin’s workaround is still in process.

I’ve given up on homebridge. I had to buy Dongle Plus-E for IHost and install zigbee2mqtt in docker. Otherwise, my smart home is a very dumb home.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

If everything goes as planned, the next version will improve HomeBridge compatibility.

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My sensors SNZB-03 and SNZB-04 work on iHost, but on node-red they do not show the detected state.

They were working, the battery ran out, I changed the battery and added it again and the state detect disappeared.

There is a bug that according to the developers would be resolved in the update at the end of this month or the next month.


There’s a new version of node-red-contrib-ewelink-cube plugin (1.3.0).


I just updated here! Do you know what the differences are?

Well, one of my contact sensors now shows these states.
Before the update, this specific sensor showed only “All” and “Battery” states.

Strangely, all my others sensors (same model, same firmware) show these:

And I realized this one sensor (that now shows Contact state) sends a ping exactly every 50 min, even if the state (open/closed) has not changed. But this weird behavior isn’t from this update, it occurs since eWeLink CUBE 2.0.0.


I noticed in the previous version that sometimes it sends 2 or 3 messages in a row with the status. I haven’t been able to see if this version is having this error yet.
One thing I noticed is that I keep getting an SSE error.


One thing I have discovered is that it switches more channels when I filter by channel.
The statuses are not reported.
When you set it to ALL it usually triggers multiple messages and some are duplicated!

Hi, Unnamedi.
I can’t quite understand the problem.
Can you specify it?
What device are you using and exactly what happened?

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We optimized Detect capability with more specific capability after v2.0.0.
Like replace contact sensor’s detect capability with contact capability.
Re-pair the device will do the replacement.
That’s why one of your contact senor shows detect and the other one shows contact.

Can you specify the problem?
What’s the device you’re using?
And what do you mean by “sends a ping”? from where? to where?
With some configuration or pic will be more helpful.

Erro (youtube.com)

I made a short video showing the error I mentioned.

As you can see in the video, I set it to ALL and specify it for CH1.

The Debug of CH1 has the number 42 and of ALL it has the number 41.

We can see in the video that DEBUG 41 receives duplicate messages in a row.

But DEBUG 42 does not receive any messages.

Manufacturer: _TZ3000_pw2fldns
Model: TS0004