Metter Hub is possible at 32Bit until several Matter Hubs work at 32Bit.
Well, well of all these items on the list taking HUB Matter all are in Beta state not?
AI is possible by the NPU that exists in the product.
Again they kind of promise updates every 2 months or something until the last update it was monthly.
Yes really from version 1.14 to version 2.0 there were some breaks to some items and some things.
But as I said with the update of the node-red and Homebridge some of these breaks have been corrected.
Of all these things the more they promised to have the one that I would say there is no plug-in or sketch would be the Zigbee plug-in.
That’s if you don’t take Zigbee2Cube into account.
So if you look at the Matter specification it doesn’t limit hubs to anything 64bit.
The Matter Hubs that already exist on the market work with 32bit chip.
Yes I know that 32Bits is dead some applications will no longer run on 32bits and etc…
Really for the application of iHost I do not see it as something dead due to chip technology.
I understand that the 32bit chip was put in to cheapen the manufacturing process and etc… But it’s not something that’s already dead.
About the use of NPU this chip is fully possible to use. I have an NVR that uses the same chip it can identify objects and people easily. logic that it cannot be used for more complicated things.
More like I said and everything about how it’s going to be. I believe that many things that were promised must have been delayed and so on… because there is usually a delay in these maps.
But again I believe that almost everything exists in the beta version taking away the HUB Matter part.
I agree to be upset about the break that existed from 1.14 to 2.0 and the whole story that existed about that which would be an update with big changes and etc…
These changes existed underneath everything that users see so much and that there were breaks in functionality.
I agree to be upset about that.
Because in the Update Log they could very well inform the possible existing errors.
And that they would be concerted in the next version and so on.
I agree with that chatiation about it.
More to the point of saying that these features do not exist or that they will not exist because of x or y is very boring.
Because there really are people who like the product and are wanting to help its development and etc…
Much of Matter is behind and due to the company itself that controls Matter. And apart from a new protocol that is still constantly evolving, each manufacturer has its own particulars.