I’m looking for a recommendation on a Zigbee alarm or siren that is fully compatible with iHost mainly because I do not think sonoff makes one yet.
I have sonoff motion sensor (SNZB-03P) and want an alarm/siren to work with it over zigbee even when internet connectivity is lost.
Thank you so much for your answer. Can you please recommend a any siren then? There’s a good idea I will connect it with a zig on off switch and activate it via switch
I have never personally made an alarm so can’t say one that definitely works. The iHost has a speaker built in but if not enough this is the first on Aliexpress I found:
This is more expensive but I was thinking about trying the Woox siren.
It has a battery backup which probably could be used in Node-red to detect when there has been a power outage when away from home. The capability exists and in Smartthings can be used to trigger a routine.