I’m talking about installing HA(OS) on IHost. There’s no point in doing that. Most of it is solved in docker.
The reasons for distrust are real. Who knows, maybe a hacker will come along and root the device and advances will start to be launched from there. The wasted investment of hundreds of customers would be very disrespectful. A product of this category simply being abandoned will have a price in relation to Ewekink’s image.
I would love if Sonoff discontinue its Zigbee2CUBE and use the Zigbee2MQTT instead, or at lease give us the possibility to export Z2M devices to Cube interface. It would be perfect.
Unfortunately the leak of powerful features from Z2Cube is a big negative point. I can’t, for example, enable the Power-on behavior from my 3rd party lamps… sad…
Another feature I miss is an easy way to link devices status, to create virtual parallels between two devices.
This can be achieved via Node red or scenes.