How to connect Ewelink account in Victron Node Red

Hi, very new user here… so please be gentle.

I am using a Victron offgrid system for power and have enabled Node red in the VRM, this opens up the Node red page, where I can get reports on the battery %

I’m trying to enable the POW Elite switch to turn on when the battery is above 50%

But I cannot seem to connect my Ewelink account in Node red, I have entered my user name and password, it tries to connect, but will not.

I haven’t paid the subscribtion for an Ewelink account yet, could that be stopping me from connecting?

Sorry for the daft question, I am an electrician, but not a coding expert


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I also have this question and I’ll be following your post because I intend to use more the node Red in my ihost to monitor the automation of my system off grid tô.

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Just wanted to post a follow up, watching youtube videos, thank you to the creators, I have managed to make it work.
So in the interest of fellow users searching for this function, remember, I am not a coder, just a simple electrician, so my description, is very simple :wink:

I am using Victron VRM node red, this sends a message to IFTTT, via webhooks and then IFTTT sends a message to ewelink, which then talks to my sonoff pow elite and turns it on and off.

I’ve set it to turn on a water heater at 50% state of charge and turn off at 49%… hope that helps some one in the future

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Dear Elliot,
I want to use this exampie you gave me in node red, but ı have no software knowledge at all.Idon’t know how to add sonoff pow when ı enter node red via victron, can you help me, or how can you send me the node red command page.

If I were you I would want something that can serve eWeLink Cube to Node Red such as an iHost or NS Panel-Pro. Then you could follow the eWeLink guide on how to add the eWeLink Cube Palette to Node Red. Then it’d be easy and most devices can be controlled locally so if the internet breaks it still works.

And did you realise a single switch node can have 2+ outputs? There is a little + icon in the bottom left. I don’t think I’ve gone above 11, but I am sure there is a limit somewhere. Also it’s easier to debug if there is only 1 input to a debug node. That way you can turn it off if it works etc. so don’t restrict the number of debug nodes. You can always turn them off.