[Discussion] About ZigBee2CUBE and NON-Zigbee 3.0 devices compatibility

I bought Ihost so that the alarm system would work outside the cloud. Tuya door and window sensors were compatible, except for two Tuya sirens and a Heiman remote control for arming and disarming the alarms. Follow the list below.

Not compatible:

  1. Description: Smart Remote Controller; Frmware build date: 2019.9.10; Manufacturer: HEIMAN; Model: HM1RC-2-E

  2. Description: Smart Siren Alarm Sound; Manufacturer: HEIMAN; Model: M420 Tuya; _TYZB01_8scntis1

  3. Description: Smart Alarm Tuya; Product Name: Meian audible alarm (ZTU);
    Model SR01 manufactured by iAlarm
    Zigbee ID: TS0224

Hi Andy, i and @Daniel_Zhan from SONOFF team have forwarded the issue and log to dev-team, and after analyze, we have found that the device doesn’t report detect value (msOccupancySensing), that’s why you can not make a trigger by detection.

Havn’t clue why the sensor reporting without detect value, still trying to find a way to locate the root reason.

BTW, i will merge the topic you posted in this thread for better following up.

Hi all

I have just purchased a Philips Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor (9290030674). It is listed in the ‘Zigbee2CUBE supported devices list’ as supported:

Philips 9290030674 Hue motion outdoor sensor motionSensor detect+battery

I can also connect it to my iHost without problems (Zigbee2CUBE enabled):

However, it does not seem to transmit any motion detection.

I have created a scene for it to switch on a ZBMini on motion detection. It does offer me ‘Motion detected’ as trigger when setting up the scene. But when trying to test it, nothing happens.

Operation log and Debug log both do not show any entries.

Does any one have any ideas?

Brief update: The comms between iHost and the sensor seem to function. I now have entries in the Debug Log.

But it still does not recognize motion. The Ops Log remains empty.

Any ideas?

@yitie or anyone else from eWeLink with feedback please?

Let me check and get back to you by the end of tomorrow.

Hey, @andy.wolf , Log analysis found that the device doesn’t report detect value (msOccupancySensing), that’s why you can not make a trigger by detection.

Havn’t clue why the sensor reporting without detect value, still trying to find a way to locate the root reason.

Checked that these three devices are not on the supported list, please stay tuned.

Thanks a lot, @yitie

If you need anything else from my side for the analysis, please let me know.

Sure, Andy, let you know if we find a way to bring it up.

@yitie ,

In version 1.9.1 the compatibility is a bit better, the switches with more than one channels is working, but the zigbee switchs and lights still need some fundamental funcionalities like define the default state on fault or reset. This is present for all Tuya Hubs I had seen. Every time the power goes out in my house and comes back on, the lamps stay on. This is very annoying. Could you give a priority to implement this functionality?

Hey Julhio, request received,
Power on state is a great feature, but as you may know the feature is depends on the hardware and it’s firmware. Some of the devices have this feature only with their own hub paried, but we’ll have a look if we can bring this feature to eWeLink CUBE.

May i know the models of your devices, will try to figure our if the ‘power on state’ could be supported as a standard feature.

Hi , @yitie . According non pairing Lidl HG06104A Livarno Lux smart LED light strip 2.5m I sent feedback #189633 with logs.

Hi Labik, it seems the log is missing in the ticket system, would you please send it to my email address that i send via forum message, thanks and sorry for the trouble.

I sent via feedback because mailer daemon is blocking the content. New feedback #190562.Regards.

Log file received, forwarded to the dev-team for further investigating, let you know we have any clue.

Hi Labik, our development team have checked the logs and it shown that the iHost haven’t received pairing request from the device Lidl HG06104A, would you please try to pair device by the Standard way and the Zigbee2CUBE way both and send the logs to me if it’s still failed? thank you in advance.

I have two lidl led strips.Both in pairing mode. I tried to connect them via standard and zigbee2cube mode without success. I also have a hue bridge and sonoff dongle plus and they recognize strips. Only Ihost has this problem.Pls check ticket #190577.

Hi @yitie

Nice. Thank you in advance !

The devices I have are (and work with iHost):

1 gang 16A (Aubess)
Device ID: a4c13895d790ae68
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_46t1rvdu
Version: 4.8

The switchs below look like this: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005005236976622.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.6823caa4JHDlqH&gatewayAdapt=glo2bra

1 gang swtich (Nova Digital)
Device ID: a4c1386db6cf9369
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_1jklrduj
Version: 4.6

2 gang switch (Nova Digital)
Device ID: a4c138f649956c67
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_pxfjrzyj
Version: 4.6

2 gang switch (Ekaza)
Device ID: a4c13804987e8797
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_hznzbl0x
Version: 4.8

3 gang switch (Ekaza)
Device ID: a4c138c26d454b82
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_f6pgzqob
Version: 4.8

I found similar switchs like them in zigbee2mqtt. I hope it help you:



