[CUBE] Virtual Thermostat for iHost Scenes

I currently use an iHost along with several SNZB-02D temperature and humidity sensors placed throughout my home. I would like to control my boiler by connecting it to a clean-contact relay switch. However, I have noticed that the iHost scenes functionality is too basic to manage the complex logic required for boiler control.

Current Limitations

The existing scene options on iHost do not provide sufficient flexibility to manage temperature thresholds, hysteresis, or time-based logic typically required for a thermostat. Creating a reliable heating control system requires additional features, such as:

  1. Setting temperature thresholds with hysteresis to avoid frequent switching.
  2. Configuring time-based schedules (e.g., different temperatures during the day or night).
  3. Combining multiple sensors for an average temperature or prioritizing specific sensors.
  4. Adding manual override modes for user-defined control.

Feature Request

Would it be possible to implement a sort of virtual thermostat feature within iHost? This could act as a smart thermostat by integrating temperature sensors, switches, and advanced logic to:

  1. Automatically control heating devices like boilers.
  2. Allow users to set schedules, temperature ranges, and overrides directly from the app.
  3. Use scene logic to include additional conditions like motion detection or energy-saving modes.

This feature would greatly enhance the usability of iHost and expand its applications for home automation, especially for heating and cooling systems.


For advanced scenaries, you better move to Home Assistant… It took me time to decide, but no regrets ; I have now really complicated scenes that, thanks to Copilot (AI), I easily made perfectly working. Moreover, with HSSA, you can use a lot of different devices together… Sonoff, Tuya, ECOWITT Weather Station… even pull weather infos from the internet and use them. HA is free, however I purchased the Home Assistant Green server and subscription to nabu Casa to have a secured access all over the world.

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I think you could use node-net for more complicated behaviors.
Perhaps, you could use a virtual device in iHost with the state you want after analyzing the behavior of the other sensors, and depending on the state of that virtual device, act on your dry relay.
I have created other virtual devices with node-network in ihost (like push buttons or switches), but what I have not been able to do is to create a virtual thermostat.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Bu fikri destekliyorum

Me too! It is the virtual device that is lacking.
@ward Feature request on this?

Happy Chinese New Year!

I’m turning it into a request, open to votes