CUBE download

I have a few questions…

Where can I download CUBE? Is it available for x86-64 or armv7?
Is there a version for virtualbox?

I have my own computers and it is not financially profitable for me to buy iHOST, I can maintain it myself on my own equipment.

At present, the CUBE system does not officially provide a release version, but will be pre-installed in various brands of gateways for users to use. The CUBE system is still being iterated and refined, and in the next year we will consider releasing a download version to run on some other SBCS.

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Thanks for the quick reply.

It’s a bit sad that at the moment there is no standalone version that can be run on your own hardware.
I’m waiting with curiosity for a possible ARM version, although it would be great to have an x86 version.

So, at the moment, the only option to have scenes running locally while offline is iHost?

What’s the point of having devices in LAN mode if the scenes don’t work when there’s no Internet connection…

ZBBridge-P and NSPanel Pro gateways both support setting up a linkage scenario that runs locally - even if the gateway is offline. But the premise is that all the devices in the scene must be connected to this gateway.

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