Blank Zigbee Map with eWeLink CUBE

  1. Triggering the scenes didn’t update the LQI;
  2. Pressing the button to power it on/off manually didn’t update the LQI;
  3. Clicking on “Refresh” to update the Zigbee Map resulted the map to disappear. Now I don’t have any zigbee map anymore. It’s totally empty :frowning:

Tested on firmware 2.3.2 and 2.3.3
iHost is always connected by LAN
Rebooted many times and clicked on “Refresh” 3 times (before and after rebooting)

Log sent once again (feedback 220164)

It’s incredible how eWelink manage to damage the software with every new release.

You should conduct more extensive testing.
Developers should have access to hardware at home for daily use, rather than relying solely on controlled lab environments.
Consider releasing beta firmwares prior to “stable” releases.