Auto scenes

Hello all, looking for some advice please. I have a number of automatic scenes created but some just dont appear to work and i am wondering if you can set a priority or if some scenes are stopping others working?
I’ll try and explain as simply as i can. I have a scene that if any trv is activated then boiler on, another scene that says if all trvs off then boiler off. I have another scene that looks at a temperature sensor in one room and if under a certain temp to turn boiler on and another scene to turn it off when a certain temperature is reached. However these scenes dont appear to ever run so wondering if the trv ones are overruling. Any suggestions? Only option i see is to buy a trv for this other radiator too.

To clarify, make a screenshot of one of your problematic scenes and place it here.

This only comes on if I go unto it and save. It isnt doing automatically

Tell us, step by step, what would you like to happen in conjunction with TVRS. So far I see that you want to have the switch to be set ON if the temperature is equal or less that 24. You need to consider that this happens only once within the set time period as the scene doesn’t monitor temperature.

I have another scene that turns boiler off when 24 degrees is met so i assume thoughout the period the heating would come on and off if temperatures are met? Currently absolutely nothing happens, scene never triggers (and thermostat says ot should). Will trugger is i go in the scene and save it.

Was wondering if theis scene looking at trvs is over rulling my thermostat one?