I recently purchased an Aqara LLKZMK12LM Zigbee 3 module and was hoping to use it to control a 24VDC electric curtain using my iHost.
The module shows up in eWelink CUBE and a few of it’s settings are available but I cannot view or control the “Interlock” setting listed on the above link.
Interlock prevents both relays being on at the same time. That is to prevent prevent powering the motor in both directions at the same time and burning it.
Is there any plan to support this setting or could you add it ? I’m happy to share logs or specific device outputs if it helps.
We have no plan for supporting interlock so far.
But your request is noted, we’ll see if we can support it in the future version.
For now, maybe smart scene might fullfill your need to interlock?
Thanks for the workaround @ward I actually considered the manual software workaround but I would need to be certain that the Ch1 ON an Ch2 OFF are conveyed within the same RF message. Or it would just take one lost message anytime, or a side case after a power cut to burn the motor and generate significant hardware damage.
Can you confirm that if I purchase an Aqara hub, pair the device, set interlocking on, pair it again with the iHost it will keep it’s settings?
In this case, the device’s managed by Aqara Hub/platform, iHost just controls them locally via Matter. You can ask Aqara for the info before any purchase.