All divices keep turning on and off

This morning i have come down to all my devices turning on an off constantly.
I have disable all scenes and 3rd party apps but they keep triggering


Same problem here rf brigde going send random signals , very dangerous situation.


Identical topic -

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same for me
RF bridge going crazy

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Same here, gate open and close like 50 times at least, not exaggerating a bit at all.

Scene for it or related to it are also gone.

Luckily got someone at home to open up and disconnect the unit.


It is necessary to include the option shot down rf bridge in unit firmware. Or if it is not possible, then connect it to a wifi switch and turn it off manually. A very dangerous thing has now happened. s people have a variety of devices connected to ewelink. Door shutters safety devices.

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The exact scenario happened twice here where all scenes started to go On and Off. Had to shut down all scenes. Is it related to the new software version v5.0.1?

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my house when crazy

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It’s all right now. Too bad I actively deleted all scenes and unpaired everything from RF433 HUB, so I had to do it all over again. But never mind, everything works. :+1:

Hi there, thank you for your feedback. The technical team resolved this issue for RF at 5:30 AM(UTC+0) on November 8, 2023.
You don’t need to take any action; your devices should be back to normal. However, if you happened to delete any devices or scenes during this time, you may need to reconfigure them.
If you encounter any further issues, please don’t hesitate to submit a support ticket through the eWeLink app’s “Help & Feedback”. Our support team will do their best to assist you.

Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.