Adding to ewelink smart home new devices

Hello everyone!

Yesterday I tried to add new devices to Alice’s smart home (info), but Alice could not find new devices through ewelink smart home. Alice’s support suggested writing here.

Sonoff SPM-Main
Sonoff SPM-4Relay
link: SPM-Main/SPM-4Relay - SONOFF Official

Could you help where I need to write, what would the devices add to the integration of ewelink smart home and Alice?

Thank you!

Hi there,

Currently, we are continuously working on supporting more devices to sync to third-party platforms like Alice. For this specific request, we kindly ask you to submit a support ticket through the eWeLink app “Help & Feedback". Our support team will record the device ID and models you mentioned, and we will do our best to prioritize their integration.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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