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Is it possible to consider releasing a mini server based on ZigbeeBridge, RFBridge or in the same layout, a separate device, for storing scenarios and the ability to work devices in case of Internet failure?
This would not cancel the cloud, but it would also give users confidence that their devices would work if cloud resources and the internet went down.

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Hello colleagues.
It’s a pleasure to be with you.
Currently, I have been slowly returning to trusting Sonoff products.
Already purchased some products such as: Ihost; motion sensors; pressure switch; lowly; door and window sensors; and, lastly, NSPanel Pro.
I’m going to tell you about my adventure with NSPanel Pro. When the device arrived, I immediately did the electrical installation and started with the initial configurations. Logging into my home WiFi networks. I have 3 wifi devices and NSPanel was unable to connect to any 2.4GHz network, only to the mobile phone’s wifi network. So I managed to update the device to version 2.0.0.
I went into the WiFi router configuration and disabled the 5GHz network and was able to connect to my home’s WiFi network.
But what I have to report to the EWELINK TEAM is a problem with the WiFi network. The moment I change the WiFi network from one to another, the device restarts by itself with the following message “eWeLinkControlPannel has stopped” “Open app again”.
With this problem I went to the store and changed the device, but the same problem persists: I select network “A” and connect; I switch to network “B” and connect: but when I switch to network “C”, the device restarts on network C and now I switch to network “A” and connects and when I switch to network “B” the device restarts again and so on . I hope I understood.
Therefore, I leave my experience here so that the experts can correct or guide me.
Big hug to everyone.

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