Zigbee sensors linking with homebridge

Hi, I know that the zigbee devices cant be connected to the ewelink app, but I am wondering if I could connect the sensor to ihost and make them available on homebridge.


Zigbee devices of Sonoff?
Yes they can.

But if zigbee devices were available on ewelink app and ihost both, I will very glad.

I don’t think Zigbee devices connected to an iHost can appear in the app. If they were paired to an NS Panel Pro I think they could be, but I don’t have that device.

You can create a dashboard on the iHost and sign up for the TailScale VPN plug in, so as to be able to view the sensor on a phone though. Then you can view and change them on your phone.

Also you can get notifications on your phone by installing the Node RED plugin and then send HTTP requests from Node Red to the Olisto Phone App, which has a ‘maker’ function and connects to non-Zigbee eWeLink devices anyway. I think they call their maker section “connections”.

I don’t know what the different with zigbee and wifi devices. Wifi devices can share with cloud, I think zigbee devices should be works too, it’s depends on programming. Cast is a very difficult answer, I have to make a vpn tunnel to my home only for I can turn on or off any device. This recommends a good router that can service the vpn, have to use a fix IP service opposite my randomly changed IP, run VPN tunnel on phone etc etc. Its not a simple way to use for any simple user, like my son or wife, only for me… I bought a not cheap host device with big hopes but in this way is a very limited device with irritating restrictions. If I could not use the cloud friendly zigbee I will sell my ihost. I can use with a simple home assistant capable Raspberry that can use wider possibilities.

Let me know how please

Use homebridge add on.

Yes… but how could I use zigbee sensors (linked directly to ihost) with homebridge? They are not showed in homebridge.

How come? You can add zigbee devices through the zigbee gateway, they used to wirk for me, but then i started facing disconnection issues. I think the gateway is defective, unless this is what you are talking about, hmm.

No. The sensors I connect directly to the ihost arent showed on the homebridge iu

Is it a Sonoff brand sensor? Can you provide the product model?

Is a sonoff zigbee sensor.

Have you any sonoff sensor connected to the ihost directly? I think you dont understand what I am requesting here…

Which one?
You provide me with the product model to check and if it is indeed an unsupported product, we will consider it for inclusion in the planning.


Have you tried adding an automation then you can add Zigbee sensors, atleast in my case.

If you wish to just see the sensors then create a cast dashboard with them on and a TailScale VPN network so you can see them when you are out of home.

I don’t know of a way to view sensors in Apple Home, but maybe there is. Not explored it that much. Suspect you could ask Siri eg: “is the front door open?”

Edited to add: just tried the above and got the response that “all the contact sensors are closed”, which is true. Seems like it didn’t like “front door”.

Dear gran_borja,
This product model will be supported in the new November Home bridge add on release in two weeks!

Thank you!! And it will be synced automatically? Because ewelink normally is synced through the ewelink account

After the new version is released, you need to update the home bridge add on and log in again to synchronize your account.