Watch Camera Live Feed on eWeLink Cast

There are several common ways to access live feeds from security cameras, such as through a mobile app, Echo Show, Google Nest Hub, and PC. However, if you’re looking for a new way to view your camera’s live feed, eWeLink Cast is a great option.

With eWeLink Cast, you can create a smart home dashboard and add your supported cameras to it. Once you’ve done this, you can view the live video on the dashboard, as well as in picture-in-picture mode on tablets or PCs. To get started, follow these simple steps:

If you haven’t already, subscribe to eWeLink Advanced Plan to gain access to eWeLink Web.
Log in to eWeLink Web with your eWeLink account.

Click on “CAST” in the sidebar to go to the dashboard editing page, then click “+” to create a new dashboard and add your cameras to it.

To view the dashboard and live camera feed, go to

Supported cameras include the Sonoff GK series, Sonoff Cam Slim, and the eWeLink Camera App.

We’re always working to improve the features and functionality of cameras and more, so please stay tuned for updates and feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with us in eWeLink Forum.
Feel free to join in discussions here!

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eWeLink web Camera not working, GK-200MP2B, SNGK71022MA

Hi there, these cameras are synced to the eWeLink web, but you’re not able to watch the live feed on the web home page, right? Or are you referring to the failure in watching it on eWeLink cast?

Not able to view live feed on eWeLink web,? Failed to view eWeLink web

We duplicated it and our tech team is now locating the issue. We will get back to you later. Thanks for the feedback!

Work with my camera?thank you

Yep, the issue has been fixed. Thanks for your patience!

It still doesn’t work through Google devices (Google home or Nest Hub). Any news ? @PeterGoGo .
I have a free Camera plan so it should work. Thank you.

Have you Linked your eWeLink account to Google Home App? Or does your camera sync to the Google Home App?


Yes of course, and it was working a day or two before, I can’t remember exactly.
Here is what I see after a few seconds of loading

Edit : it is working now on a Nest hub, but not in google home app… Weird

I met the same situation. Our team is looking into it now. I will get back to you later. Thanks for the feedback.