UPDATED eWeLink add-on V1.3.3 for Home Assistant

Since HomeAssistant docker version does not support Add-on feature, thus you won’t be able to install the eWeLinkSmartHome add-on.
for your reference: Where is the add-on store when running from docker? - Installation - Home Assistant Community

@Teki , my concern is about not being able to install the EWeLink Smart Home docker image into IHost as another docker container.

I know that HA docker edition don’t have any addon shop, but I assume that when I installed it like a docker, except of as a full OS.

The point is. Your Addon MUST (as far as I understand) work being installed in a different environment like the ihost docker env, since it can communicate with HA (the docker config says that we must specify the HA URL to allow communication)

If I install the addon within HA, the url will be local host, but if I install it outside HA (for instance within ihost) the url will be 192.168.x.x:8123

Not sure if I’m clear

Hello all,
I currently have the following setup:

  1. HA (v 2023.8) installed on a rpi3
  2. NSPanel Pro (FW 1.11.0) + 3 SNZB-02d (FW 1.0.9) sensors paired to it and available in the ewelink app
  3. eWeLinkSmartHome add-on installed in the HA instance

But unfortunately both NSPanel Pro and the sensors are not available in the HA addon with the devices listed as not supported. Any help would be appreciated

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I am not able see the power sensor values in Home Assistant for my POWR316 (ORIGIN). The only entity that shows is the switch. The device is the latest ESP32 based. I am running HA OS.

I’m also seeing the following error in the logs:

23-10-18T15:25:47.246Z [WARN] Update device state to HA error, entityId: switch.10017b5605, data: {“entity_id”:“switch.10017b5605”,“attributes”:{“restored”:false,“supported_features”:0,“friendly_name”:"POWR316 Switch "}}0

Has anyone been able to get the Power sensors to show in HA?

I also have the problem that the current release of the eWeLink add-on (1.3.4 ?) does not seem to support the NSPanel Pro at all. Is there a workaround or a schedule to fix this? Otherwise, I don’t see the point of having bought the panel …

DW2 still not supported in HA although in the list as supported, how can it be?

Got failure on adding repository in HAOS 11.5 (2024.2.1) following instructions above. Is there a compatibility problem with the latest version of HA?
Screenshot from 2024-02-12 18-05-22


Is there any update about addon installing issues on newest HA?

I am not able to run it. (npm install error)
Maybe someone can have nice workaround for that?