Translation using AI


Just to let you know that most AI, like Perplexity, ChatGPT, Gemini, etc, can translate these .json files in some seconds to whatever language you need.

Free accounts are limited to do this due to the amount of words, but paid accounts can do this without any problem.

Just ask to translate the “Original” field to the “Custom” field keeping the formatting.

Review is much easier than translating everything by hand.

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In the majority of cases AI is not able to compose correctly JSON files for every platform. I wish you luck but the details of the use, accepted capabilities etc of this type of file, which vary from one platform to another are lost, at least on the AI which is released to the general community.
Maybe I’m wrong here but in cases I know of on other platforms they have not worked.

On iHost you just need to download the json file.

Then, give the instruction to Gemini or Perplexity to translate the content of the field “Original” to an specific language and put the translated words on the field “Custom”, respecting the formatting.

It will work perfectly.

We tried a lot of AI tools, chatGPT, Claude, Google Gemini, etc.
And lots of enthusiastic volunteers helped us to proofread the translations, and almost all of them can find inaccurate translations, ignoring a certain part of the translation, which makes the native speakers/users confused, and that’s the reason we don’t use AI tools directly for translation, of course, that would be fast.