Ho installato da poco Sonoff iHost, un piccolissimo Server con Grandi Possibilità.
Hanno messo insieme le potenzialità di Home Assistant e Smart Things.
Ma com’è tutte le cose all’inizio ci sono le prime criticità…
Ho aggiunto 2 sensori ad iHost, 1 sensore Temperatura e 1 Sensore Pir, ma non riesco a Visualizzarli sulla App di EWELINK e questo significa che non posso UTILIZZARLI & VISUALLIZZARLI da REMOTO oltre al Fatto che se non sono visti Da eWeLink APP NON POSSONO ESSERE NEMMENO UTILIZZATI CON ALEXA AMAZON & GOOGLE HOME.
I recently installed Sonoff iHost, a very small Server with Big Possibilities.
They have combined the potential of Home Assistant and Smart Things.
But as is all things, at the beginning there are the first critical points…
I added 2 sensors to iHost, 1 Temperature sensor and 1 Pir sensor, but I can’t view them on the EWELINK App and this means that I can’t USE & VIEW THEM REMOTELY besides the fact that if they are not seen From the eWeLink APP THEY CAN’T EVEN BE USED WITH ALEXA AMAZON & GOOGLE HOME.
I suspect when they have Matter support you will be able to control them as long as you have a matter controller from Amazon/Google. Think the iHost will be just a router and can’t control stuff.
I’m actually here to figure out what “docker process error” means. It’s forgotten all my wifi devices as well as my homebridge link. I don’t think there is a terminal so I can’t even begin to try to figure out what is happening.
Incidentally you can connect Google Assitant and Alexa to Home Assistant, which is also a local platform. Much easier with a paid subscription though. Suspect it could also be done here, although with faff.
I’ve installed Docker Compose. Suspect this is why now nothing works. There might already be an invisible compose somewhere. Also would need a terminal. Not clear which is best.
I am waiting for this function too. The iHost be only local woulbe be a totally expensive scrap, as the other equipments with the same functionality works locally and on cloud. It would at least works with Google Assistant and Alexa locally. The Sonoff NSPanel Pro uses ewelink Cube and works in both modes. If I need to use the Home Assistant in iHost to do more than local control, I will sell my iHost and buy a more powerfull hardware with RK3588 or a mini PC with Intel or Ryzen that will give me much more possibilities.
You’re wrong.
I have a lot of wifi devices and NSPANEL PRO cannot control LAN devices if there is no internet connection.
only zigbee devices added to nspanel pro work
Sono sempre di più i dispositivi riconosciuti da iHost. Da pochi giorni i dualR3.
I dispositivi compatibili caricati sull’app (e quindi visibili da remoto) si possono sincronizzare su iHost.
Pare anche i dispositivi zigbee collegati a NS panel pro.
Io uso l’hub zigbee e ancora i dispositivi collegati non vengono visti da iHost, ma probabilmente sistemeranno a breve.
Per ora ho caricato su iHost gli zigbee sui quali ho scene, e tenuto sull’app quelli senza, per mantenere il controllo remoto.
Indubbiamente iHost è ancora acerbo, spero lo sviluppono velocemente.
My disapointment with iHost is that it can not work with Google Assistant. I have zigbee relays connected to iHost and I cannot control them with Google Home. The WIFI devices works, by ewelink app, but the iHost devices no. It would be nice if iHost zigbee devices can be seen by ewelink to make this control (or make a configuration to turn this function on or off for who whats the iHost totally local).
It’s very frustrating that iHost can import devices from eWelink but NOT vice versa.
So all my ZigBee devices defined in iHost canNOT be managed remotely by eWelink app, unless you set up a VPN to access your LAN from internet and then operate with your iHost via browser.
I share your pain. I bought the iHost planning to use the Google Assistant with the eWelink.
I was a HA user and use the Google Assistant without a subscription were
difficult and cumbersome.
Now with iHost I need to use the Google Assistant with nodeRed and a third party, loosing the “local LAN control” feature.
If you want, the devices can be controlled without a VPN. Its what we have from now: How to control iHost devices with Google Assistant through Node-RED
I share your pain. I bought the iHost planning to use the Google Assistant with the eWelink.
I was a HA user and use the Google Assistant without a subscription were
difficult and cumbersome.
Now in iHost I need to use the Google Assistant with nodeRed and a third party, loosing the “local control” feature.
If you want, the devices can be controlled from outside the house without a VPN. I think with Alexa too you can do something like that. Other alternative is use the Apple HomeKit. Its what we have from now: How to control iHost devices with Google Assistant through Node-RED