Shown temperature in iHost keep change to Fahrenheit for SONOFF SNZB-02D

Since the update to eWeLink CUBE Version 1.10.1 the shown temperature in iHost falls back to Fahrenheit. The display on the actual device is in Celcius all the time, so no worries there. If I change the settings inside iHost to Celcius (procedure also includes that I need to press the button on the actual temp sensor device) I can get it back to present in Celcius again. However after some time, minutes or days, it falls back to Fahrenheit. The graphical presentation in the settings also seems not to be tested so much. Basically it looks the same if you use manual or auto settings.
I have three SONOFF SNZB-02D Zigbee LCD Smart Temperature Humidity Sensors and they all fall back to Farenheit. This function needs some love and care in the iHost

I’m having the same problem, very annoying bug

Hello, are you referring to the temperature on the iHost settings page, or the temperature settings on the device settings page

The temperature shown on the LCD display is in C and works just fine, but when I look into the iHost setting page the temperature is shown in F. All graphs etc are also in F.
If I go into settings of the device I can change it, which also requires I press the button on the actual device, which is pretty annoying since I have several devices and need to walk around the house with the laptop to do it.
Also when changing it in the settings it is 50/50 % chance that it actually changes to C. Some times I have to do it several times before it happens.
But then after some time, 1 min to some hours they change back to F.

Based on your description, I understand that after you updated to iHost version 1.10.1, the iHost settings page and the device settings page all changed from ℃ to ℉, and after you set it to ℃ manually,iHost is a certain chance to ℉ again.

Is this the case? Can you submit syslogs through the help center?

Yes, that is correct. And basically the rest of the settings for the device in iHost like the ranges, manual mode or auto mode, is not working at all. Everything looks the same. But that is a minor issue for me but would of course be great if it is fixed.

I’ll send over syslog later today when I’m back home.


We’re already working on a fix for this issue and expect to send out a new version of the update within the next couple of days.

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Hi, I got the 1.13.0 today but it still doesn’t work. Any new input when it can be fixed?

Can you describe the detailed phenomenon?

After buying another sensor and then starting from scratch I could install it and get Celsius both on the display and in the iHost environment (including CAST).
Then after deleting the old units and reinstall them, the settings in iHost were possible to change to Celsius. Hurraa. So now we are on the correct unit anyway.
But I still don’t understand the manual setting for the scale on the graphs. No problems to set them now but in the end there is an automatic scaling that overrides it. I mean if I set the scale to be from 0 - 40 degrees that is the scale I want it to use. All the time. Now it auto scales so if I look on a day, a month or longer, the scale will alter to make the graph just to fit. But I want it to keep the setting I have made. If it is it supposed to be like this I don’t understand why it is called manual. Anything I can do about it?