Scene buttons & local option

I just bought one and it came today.
I connected him to iHost and he’s working locally. no problem.

I don’t know if it’s because I put it on ihost.

because the only equipment I have compatible with him and ihost.

My other switches haven’t arrived yet.

All my automation is on ihost/node red.
I use the R5 and my RF bridge. Locally with iHost.

iHost is something different with eWeLink Remote add-on. I’m not talking about this case. R5 or S-Mate are not RF devices so RF bridge is irrelevant to this topic.

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on ihost is not via add-on. and via native/beta mode.

I know that the RF bridge would be irrelevant in the matter. What I meant is that in ihost the two run locally.
Now via the Ewelink app, I believe nothing will be local.

to say what each button of the R5 will do and it is necessary to create an automation or scene.

Now I don’t know if there is another Sonoff hub with this proposal.

maybe the NS Panel Pro? runs the local R5.

since from what I understand the R5 depends on another device to be the bridge of it, but this device does not save the scenes and automations of it.

Without the internet, there would be no way it would work.

I can be talking abrobinhas because I don’t know if on the bridge I can determine what each button can do.

At ihost I had to create scenes and automations for that.
That is why I believe that the operation of the Ewelink app is the same.

I am not sure about NS Panel Pro.

It does not. The same is with NSPanel, M5 or MINIR4. This is what I’m talking about.
I used to have iHost. I know it is an eWeLink Remote capable and works without the cloud. I want to know why other devices don’t do the same. Not everyone wants or needs to have an iHost.

So it should be because you have to determine what each button will do via scene or automation.

The limitation is in the form of implementation.

It may be that in the future the Ultra Bridge I can pair with it and with that local things could be implemented.

I believe that the User who uses the app to make automations and etc… You will hardly worry if this is running locally or not.

To have a local Scene or Automation the user would necessarily have to have a hardware for this to run local.

I don’t know if the MiniR4 would be able to store functions than each button does, taking into consideration that a MiniR4 could have more than one R5 paired in it.

There’s no automation/scene distinction within eWeLink platform. All of it is called “scenes”. They can be executed automatically or manually.

Is that so? I don’t think it’s all the same.

No device stores functions associated with channels on your remote. Everything is scene-based, thus cloud executed save for iHost. The difference is in the way how the scenes are run.

That’s why I believe a specific hardware is needed to run the local scenes.

I believe that putting a chip with storage on some devices would not solve the problem.

I really believe that the user who uses the app will hardly worry about whether or not this place.

Yes, I believe there are people who want it and demand it.

More for this to happen would require extra hardware.

Or even an app like a server that would have to be connected to a 24/7 socket connected via Wi-Fi or cable to your network running all locally.

That and I couldn’t leave the house and so on.

I really don’t know any other way to solve this.

Since the switches themselves do not save their automations on themselves.

As one user reported in another topic I don’t remember what it was. That for a MiniR2 to remember the scheduling of it it needs internet to download the information because it loses in the loss of energy.

Whether or not the R5 is a piece of hardware that has almost the same price as an SNZB-03P on the website.

And they are hardware totally dependent on one another to run automations.

The only hardware I see perhaps in the future taking over the place of local automation for these devices is the ZBridge-U.

I know he has local automations. But I know it doesn’t go back to the cloud devices for local.

But he has a better chip a little bit. I don’t know if in the future it could connect with this local protocol.

The only hardware with the idea of running local and iHost.
Unfortunately, it cuts off any communication with the Ewelink cloud.

eWeLink Remote is a propriety protocol based on BLE. R5 and SNZB-03P are not the same from a functional point of view. A similar price is therefore irrelevant. Sonoff does not have a range of multi-channel Zigbee remote controls with a similar design to the R5. The introduction of the eWeLink Remote was expected to change and improve a lot. With today’s knowledge, I would not choose to use this solution as it is a dead end with no prospects. Today I would buy Zigbee remotes such as this one.

I already have a few R5s, so I have to stick with them.

I talked about the similarity of price only to have a comparison.

Sonoff really lacks in not having Zigbee controls.
This has been on the market for a while now.

Now the question of R5 using something proprietary. It is clear that they want to tie the user to their cloud.
Or even having to buy other hardware to make that bridge between local and cloud.

I believe that for those who already have several R5s in their environment and want something local. I would have to buy an iHost.

With iHost, you can kind of sync what you have in the iHost cloud and take advantage of it, you can’t do the opposite. Which for some can be a problem.

I really want to see how the market will react to this now that a lot of things are going local and so on.

Matter will dictate the rule if it is covered by the industry.

I have a six-month adventure with iHost behind me. I don’t want to have anything more to do with it. From my point of view, there are no advantages at all.

For the time being, Matter will not dictate anything. So far, implementation is going quite mediocrely. Fragmentation is the same or greater than with Zigbee. Underdeveloped interoperability is unconvincing. This is not how it was supposed to work. For now, I have no intention of using it.

Until those days I didn’t need to have these switches.

When I saw it I would need 2 I soon went to see the ones that were compatible with my use.
Today I’m doing everything at iHost. When I saw that the R5s were compatible I bought to test.
So far I’m enjoying the operation I believe that next week I will buy more of them.

So far I have had no problems with anything that is connected to iHost either via addon or via zigbee or via BLE (R5).

I hope that in the future iHost will have more automation options. Because you wouldn’t need the red node anymore.

The Matter bridge is very useful with Smartthings.
So my TVs and air conditioning work on automations.

The single negative point that I have is that the R5 is not exported via the Matter bridge. However, I believe that this is a limitation of the protocol version.

I’m with iHost since launch. Almost a year ago.
A lot has changed.

Matter is well fragmented due to its initial stage.

I believe that for you the best solution would be to migrate to HA with Zigbee2mqtt there you would have access to a wider range of devices and brands. And the development team is bigger than Sonoff’s because of the community.

The only bad part is setting everything up and so on.

Sonoff’s Wi-Fi hardware if I am not mistaken in all is possible to put the tasmota. And with that you could use them all locally.

In the matter of Zigbee2mqtt you would have access to a lot of things many devices and etc… which does not work is very easy to make it work.

The only paper weights would be R5 due to the proprietary protocol.

More again and just an opinion.
Because I believe that for anything whether it is Wi-Fi or BLE to run with local scenes without relying on the cloud, the user would need local hardware for that.

I don’t think it’s a simple path. I’m curious to see what a Dev or Sonoff Staff will comment on.

I think a moderator should move everything but the first post to the Free Discussion section. This is because we have deviated fundamentally from the initial issue.

I agree.

I think it was a good conversation about it.
Sometimes someone may appear on the forum with similar doubts or new ideas.

Always share and legal.

In fact, looking here I saw that RF controls are exported via the Matter bridge.

Now I was curious why the R5 is not exported via the Matter bridge.

Could any staff remove this doubt?

Is the SNZB-01P button supported on ihost matter bridge?

Is the information on this page still up to date?

I believe this page is not updated.

Unfortunately I don’t have this device to say if it would be supported by the Matter bridge.

However, I believe that a conversation with support would help to get it working since RF controls are supported.

I recently had a problem with 3 and 2 channel ZigBee switches that were not exported to the Matter bridge.

In conversation with support they were able to identify and resolve the problem that will appear in the next version of Cube.

@ward Do you know the answer to this question?
