Problem in eWelink Keyboard Shorcuts


Captura de ecrã 2023-08-25 122541
Captura de ecrã 2023-08-25 122638

I’ve been having this problem, suddenly it stopped working, I’ve already uninstalled it and made a new configuration, but everything is the same

I have tbe same problem, any solution.

same problem.fresh install windows 10 Pro x64

I’m still waiting for a response from support

Let me check and get back to you guys, sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit, nothing changed of our side and mine are works fine, would you guys please try to refresh it here, it may caused by network issue somehow.

Same problem, notebook is connected to network obviously - I type and send this message with no issue.

I see nobody gave a feedback on this. Now it works even remote over internet (the issue was not present when connected in the same LAN).