POWR316D Randomly off


Dear all, i have POWR316D, but sometimes devices randomly off, and no logs on eWelinks app, this device installed after fuse and home metering devices, and covered electricity for all devices on my home. did you have sugestion for fix this problem? firmware installed 1.0.7.

There is a threshold setting by default in the firmware which may lead to the protection (turn off). We will optimize the firmware and expected to be released at the end of this month.

@Daniel_Zhan thank you for information. so even if the thresold setting not activated by user, that issue coming from thresold feature ?

yes, there is a threshold setting by default. for example, if the voltage is below 185V (normally 220V), the device will turn off by itself. as we have received some feedback for such a issue and we decide to optimize such protection feature.