Offline Devices as INSIGHT


iNSIGHT is a very useful dashboard. It was a good update for the ewelink app. Congratulations for it.

Therefore, I think it would be wonderful if we can add to the INSIGHT also a tile with the Offline Devices. Easily we could known what devices are offline, as we know now how many are ON.

Thanks for your attention.


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i also think that it is a useful feature, but not yet reliable though, as DualR3 devices are not shown. Also if a MiniR2 is triggered β€œON” from another device, the MiniR2 is also not shown on Insight.


Dual R3, yes, I can confirm that is not shown in INSIGHT.

However, all my MiniR2 are shown in INSIGHT if they are ON, no matter whatever have trigger them.


-------- Mensagem original --------

Hi @franciscodio @s_ferreira Will evaluate these features with our team later this week.


any update about it, please?
