NS Panel Pro security mode doesn't uses sensors connected with other bridge devices

Hi all,
Recently, I bought the new NS Panel Pro device for my smart home. Once I connected it to my network, I realized that it was unable to setup a security mode using all of my sensors that I already had installed previously in my house such as RF-Door sensors, RF-Leak sensors (connected through RF-Bridge) and even all my zigbee sensors which was connected through zigbee bridges. I have only ONE option if I want to use my NS Panel Pro security feature, to connect all of my !zigbee ONLY! sensors and other zigbee devices directly to the NS Panel Pro!
This is unuseful, specially if you have a very big house with thick walls that blocks signals like mine. Even if I try to connect all my sensors (zigbee only) direct to NS Panel Pro is no possible because the most sensors are far away.
I think that it will be very useful if it was possible to use all available sensors which are connected with eWelink account within same house, regardless of whether they are connected via a Zigbee or RF bridge.

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Sounds a good idea, here info @Daniel_Zhan from SONOFF team to dig deeper to see if it’s possible, may need some time.

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@xatzis1992 Your request is reasonable and makes sense, we will evaluate how to implement it better.

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Is this Issue fixed?

I habe the same Problem.
Connecting Zigbee Devices via ZBbridge to NSPanel pro.

Best regands