The wallpapers on 1.4.0 are terrible, both appear to be night scenes but also quite tacky, I’d be quite happy with just some simple monotone gradient backgrounds, that maybe changed hue depending on time of day
I understand that the memory on the panel is small so can’t have a ton of presets but they could of come up with something far better than that
Hi there, thank you for the suggestion! I have forwarded it to the NSPanel software team for evaluation 
Btw, did you know that the NSPanel Pro offers the ability to upload custom wallpapers? You might want to consider giving it a try!
I’ve just installed 10 NS panels, I’m not going to upgrade to pros so soon, too many bugs for me to consider shelling out for the more expensive pro’s
The actual wallpaper is awful, i sincerely prefer the original ones, How can we switch back to those? is the 1.4.1 version with the same terrible backgrounds? I have a Pro with is another level, but I also have 2 normal NS’s with relays and the background images makes me sick. How to I get a downgrade? or upgrade do 1.4.1. (if they have the original img)