Multiple temperature sensors

The API shows that devices can have multiple capabilities. It is however not possible to have a single device with multiple temperature capabilities that works correctly.

  "capabilities": [
      "capability": "Temperature",
      "permission": "read"
      "capability": "Temperature",
      "permission": "read"

When registering a new virtual device via node-red with two temperature capabilities, it shows up in the iHost as having two temp sensors with two graphs. So far so good.

When updating the temperature of the device, one can only send one value. This is then reflects on both sensors and both graphs.

It would be great if all sensors can work like toggles, so one can register multiple similar sensors AND update them individually:

  "capabilities": [
      "capability": "Temperature",
      "name" : "1"
      "permission": "read"
      "capability": "Temperature",
      "name" : "2"
      "permission": "read"

and to update:

    "temperature": {
        "1": { "temperature": 20 }

Currently have my THD320D flashed to Tasmota with two DS18x20 sensors in parallel which I read out via MQTT. I split the message into two and push the individual values to two virtual devices.

For now, the feature is not supported.
But we do working on it.
Please stay tuned!

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That is a quick reply! Great to hear you are working on it.

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