iHost and Sonoff Camera "CAM Slim"

The camera is configured in the same network as the iHost and integrated in iHost with RTSP credentials. On the EweLink app the camera shows a picture, when acessed through CAST or directly from the iHost device menu it only shows a grey screen, and it seems the camera stream cannot be established.

Any suggestion why it does not work?

It stopped working for me after update 1.13.7

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Is it using Google Chrome? What is the browser version?

I am using the CAST app, and tested in browsers Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox and Brave (all in most recent version). It made no difference, all access except the Ewelink app did not show the camera stream.

Can you reproduce the problem for us?

Try the following step:

  1. Right click the page and choose inspect, you can see the inspect panel of browser.
  2. Click on ‘Console’.
  3. Play the camera and when it fail, take a screenshot of the whole page as well as Console.
  4. Paste the screenshot here of send it to me via message.

Thank you for your kindly assistants.

My camera is the GK-200MP2B model and the same thing happens to me as with the slim one.

env: production version: 1.13.90
index.f89f3a45.js:21 sse connect success!
/#/room:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)


   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

CardPage.5ede684c.js:1 cardData-------------- Object
index.f89f3a45.js:1 camera connection is closing… Proxy(Object)
index.f89f3a45.js:1 连接未完成用户主动关闭
index.f89f3a45.js:1 信令过程状态变化 Event
/#/room:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute ‘setLocalDescription’ on ‘RTCPeerConnection’: Failed to set local offer sdp: The order of m-lines in subsequent offer doesn’t match order from previous offer/answer.
index.f89f3a45.js:1 Ice 收集状态变化 new
@vue.a6ab3580.js:1 DOMException: Failed to execute ‘setRemoteDescription’ on ‘RTCPeerConnection’: Failed to parse SessionDescription. Duplicate a=msid lines detected
at Proxy.offerAndAnswer (http://ihost.local/web/assets/index.f89f3a45.js:1:1310694)
at async E (http://ihost.local/web/assets/Index.82a52480.js:1:229519)
at async ve.deep (http://ihost.local/web/assets/Index.82a52480.js:1:228527)

It’s a known issue due to Chrome browser upgrade (from v122 to v123).
We will fix it in the next version of iHost firmware version.

When is the next released planned to be published?
It would be great to have this fixed, since many of us are using the ihost as a home security solution.

Thanks for keeping up the good work!

It will be published in the end of this month.

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With the new 1.14.0 update the camera now works on ihost.
Thank you.

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