Imagining control your smart bulbs and light strips on any web browser, no APP launching required, just quick and done?
Here is eWeLink web, a beyond-APP feature that we upgrade monthly basis, check what’s NEW in recent versions
Light bulbs & Light strip : SONOFF B02/B05 bulbs, SONOFF L2 /L5 Lite, and the YEELIGHT lights
ZigBee smart plug: ZigBee iPlug Series like SONOFF S40 Lite.
Switches: SONOFF S-MATE Switch Mate, SwitchMan Scene Controller
We are still in the process of supporting more devices. If your devices haven’t been supported on Web, let us know!
Post the device model or device ID down in the comments
What about make scenes with Sonoff Dual R3?
Hi there, thank you for the feedback. We will improve it in August.
Feel free to let us know if your devices are not supported on eWeLink Web.
When will the Sonoff M5 be available on IFTTT?
為什麼支援第三方 SmartThings App 卻samsung TV卻「暫不支持」呢?
是說在Samsung TV上控制設備?
Samsung TV和SmartThings App是完全獨立的兩個系統,我們還沒有研究如何接入Samsung TV。
Hi Roger, have looped this request to our team, will keep you posted when M5 is available on IFTTT.
bridge sonoff ZB PRO why?
Hi there, part of ZigBee devices has been integrated to the IFTTT app with the connection between eWeLink and IFTTT.
When can we expect the Elite Sonoff devices to be compatible ?
Hi there, POW Elite has been supported to be controlled on eWeLink Web.
Will the SONOFF S26R2ZBTPG Mini Socket be supported in the web App?
Hi there, would you please send me the device ID via the PM?
Still doesn’t support lite version
Hi there, I just checked the to-do list for you, DUALR3 LITE will be supported in December. I will keep you posted.
Hi there, SONOFF S26R2ZBTPG is supported in eWeLink Web now.
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the info
@StephenJ I got some POW devices which showing on eWeLink WEB as “Not supported now”. Could you please check them. Devices IDs are,