Dimming function for S26

do you intend to also release the S26 WiFi smart plug with a dimming function. that would be really fantastic.

Forward @Daniel_Zhan for further evaluation.

Thanks for your advice, we will evaluate your product request.

Hi Daniel,
it would be fantastic if, in addition to the S26 with on/off function, there was also an S26 with a dimming function. At the moment I use for the dimming function a competing brand. the D1 smart dimmer is fine, but it is very limited in its application range. The S29 can be used directly between plug and socket and is therefore much more user-friendly.

Thanks in beyond.
Kind regards
Mari Swinkels PhD
Owner of SWIVA
Home Domotic Systems.

May I know which brand of plug with dimming you use? or the model name

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