Control Device Node has no Actions in 2.3

Thanks. I did that and it works.

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I have the same issue. I have node red on my HA and I see no the actions in the control node

I listen the status… I tried with chrome, ff and edge, it is the same

Is the issue occurs in every device or just the device named “Igor’s lights”?

Everywhere, it is missing in all the devices. In the node red docked on iHost it works fine.

Can you open the browser console see if any error shows in it?

This is it

Please send us the node-red log.
We’ll see what’s wrong.

a0d7b954_nodered_2024-12-26T10-01-51.629Z.log (1.7 MB)

New errors apeared, I do not know it it helps

I found if I open node red node not from HA web interface, but in the separate tab, the action appears and I can program it.

But I still cann’t control it:

“26 Dec 12:08:33 - [info] [api-server:iHost] SSE connection success
26 Dec 12:09:09 - [info] [control-device:6ccb1aa4b34dc21f] node config: {“id”:“6ccb1aa4b34dc21f”,“type”:“control-device”,“z”:“693e1caaefa02122”,“name”:”“,“server”:“78ae864d3f0cc2df”,“list”:”“,“category”:“all”,“device”:“70ac08fffebf78b1”,“v2Data”:”{"state":{"power":{"powerState":"on"}}}“,“x”:1260,“y”:60,“wires”:[]}
config-------------------- {
id: ‘6ccb1aa4b34dc21f’,
type: ‘control-device’,
z: ‘693e1caaefa02122’,
name: ‘’,
server: ‘78ae864d3f0cc2df’,
list: ‘’,
category: ‘all’,
device: ‘70ac08fffebf78b1’,
v2Data: ‘{“state”:{“power”:{“powerState”:“on”}}}’,
x: 1260,
y: 60,
wires: [ ]
stateVersion----- 2 ihostVersion----- 2
generateState-------------- {
“state”: {
“power”: {
“powerState”: “on”
26 Dec 12:09:09 - [info] [control-device:6ccb1aa4b34dc21f] DEVICE CONTROL DATA : {“id”:“78ae864d3f0cc2df”,“deviceId”:“70ac08fffebf78b1”,“state”:{“power”:{“powerState”:“on”}}}
26 Dec 12:09:09 - [info] [control-device:6ccb1aa4b34dc21f] commonAxiosRequest data :{“id”:“78ae864d3f0cc2df”,“deviceId”:“70ac08fffebf78b1”,“state”:”{"power":{"powerState":"on"}}"}
2024/12/26 12:09:09 [error] 371#371: *745 auth request unexpected status: 400 while sending to client, client:, server: a0d7b954-nodered, request: “POST /ewelink-cube-api-v1/control-device HTTP/1.1”, host: “”
26 Dec 12:09:09 - [error] [control-device:6ccb1aa4b34dc21f] AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500

In my case I had this due to an extension in my web browser called “Ghostery”. It looked exactly like that. There was a bug in how the extension was coded. All I had to do was disable the extension or use a fresh browser and it went away.

I used 3 different browsers, native Windows Edge as well. The problem with this node appears if I open it via HomeAssistant interface. If I open Node Red in separate tab it is ok.
But what I can’t understand is why I am not able to control the devices with eWelink cube contrib. Via HA nodes it works fine.

If I use eWelink:

In the log I see the message
“auth request unexpected status: 400 while sending to client, client:”

Do you mean in saperate tab, control-device node works fine, and in HA it works with error?

I installed eWelink cube to Node Red in HA.

I have an iHost connected to HA over the HomeBridge.

If I try to control the iHost devices from HA using switch node, it works (1). EWelink node event-state see the status. If I try to control the same device (2), using eWelink node control-device I have AxiosError “auth request unexpected status: 400 while sending to client, client:”

Looks like the frontend for node-red fail to call the backend api.
Are your running it inside HA home page?
Can you open it in a seperate tab in browser and see if it works?

No, it is in separate tab.

In the logs I see the command is ok

8 Jan 14:16:42 - [info] [control-device:d4fc1654b6c3043c] node config: {“id”:“d4fc1654b6c3043c”,“type”:“control-device”,“z”:“51f45fe9f11b9a43”,“name”:“”,“server”:“1f5f86bff0b98c84”,“list”:“”,“category”:“switch”,“device”:“c0d20492-f25f-40b1-8274-8602fea46402”,“v2Data”:“{"state":{"power":{"powerState":"on"}}}”,“x”:1080,“y”:80,“wires”:[]}
config-------------------- {
id: ‘d4fc1654b6c3043c’,
type: ‘control-device’,
z: ‘51f45fe9f11b9a43’,
name: ‘’,
server: ‘1f5f86bff0b98c84’,
list: ‘’,
category: ‘switch’,
device: ‘c0d20492-f25f-40b1-8274-8602fea46402’,
v2Data: ‘{“state”:{“power”:{“powerState”:“on”}}}’,
x: 1080,
y: 80,
wires: [ ]
stateVersion----- 2 ihostVersion----- 2
generateState-------------- {
“state”: {
“power”: {
“powerState”: “on”
8 Jan 14:16:42 - [info] [control-device:d4fc1654b6c3043c] DEVICE CONTROL DATA : {“id”:“1f5f86bff0b98c84”,“deviceId”:“c0d20492-f25f-40b1-8274-8602fea46402”,“state”:{“power”:{“powerState”:“on”}}}
8 Jan 14:16:42 - [info] [control-device:d4fc1654b6c3043c] commonAxiosRequest data :{“id”:“1f5f86bff0b98c84”,“deviceId”:“c0d20492-f25f-40b1-8274-8602fea46402”,“state”:“{"power":{"powerState":"on"}}”}
2025/01/08 14:16:42 [error] 377#377: *996 auth request unexpected status: 400 while sending to client, client:, server: a0d7b954-nodered, request: “POST /ewelink-cube-api-v1/control-device HTTP/1.1”, host: “”
8 Jan 14:16:42 - [error] [control-device:d4fc1654b6c3043c] AxiosError: Request failed with status code 500

The log is frontend request and it try to call backend service(ewelink-cube-api-v1/control-device) which is also running in the plugin and failed.

Yes, I understand this. Please, let me know how can I check the backend. Because here I see that the request is sent in the same way as iHost NodeRed does. But on iHost it works.