Change 3rd party press capability permission


Regarding NSPanel PRO, I have an idea of “press” capability of 3rd party devices (API) being possible to set readWrite instead of current read only - thus giving possibility to trigger something from NSPanel PRO, greatly extending integration capabilities.

For now, this can only display “single press”, “double press” or “long press” actions on widget on NSPanel, when sent from external gateway. Changing this to readWrite would allow (to reverse communication flow) to send such actions from NSPanel (after single press, double press or long press on widget) to external gateway, allowing for many action hooks on that side.

I think this can work similar to webhook trigger when you press on “switch” display category widget, but with additional actions.


Thanks for the ideas, here I’d like to cue @Daniel_Zhan and @Archarr from SONOFF team for further evaluation.