Camera App for ios devices?

When will the camera app be available for ios devices?

Hi there, we don’t have a plan for the iOS version in recent updates. We will keep noting the users’ requirements. Thank you for your patience.

Hi There
I see that the IOS version of the camera app is coming soon. Do you have a date when it will be released?

May I know where did you get the news? Honestly, there is no solid plan at this point.

Hi Peter
This is on the ewelink camera app webpage.
On the IOS link it states coming soon

Thank you for the info. The iOS version of Camera App is on our roadmap but so far it’s not the top priority as our tech team is occupied with lots of other requests. I’ll keep you updated if there is any solid plan.

Thanks for the feedback. I am sure there are lots of Apple users waiting for the release as it works very well on the android platform…

The iOS version of the Camera App is definitely a nice addition. Will keep you guys updated!

Thanks :smiley: