I want to set the brightness for a control device. now you can only set 1 number between 0 and 100.
i want to sent a json message to the control device end adjust de brightness dynamicly
Regards Rick
I want to set the brightness for a control device. now you can only set 1 number between 0 and 100.
i want to sent a json message to the control device end adjust de brightness dynamicly
Regards Rick
Do you mind telling us more about your case?
In node-red i register a new light device. That device should control 3 other light
cube devices. Because they are actually 1 lamp.
on/off via that registered new node-red device works fine. But the brightness not.
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Regards Rick
@hiconkong @jiayu.gou hey do you mind taking a look?
Can anybody look at this?
Regards Rick
I just got feedback from dev, and more info is needed. So could you please download the Node-Red log right after you control the device?
You can attach it here or Google Drive.
Thx in advance