Im new here and this is my first post but this morning I tried adding a hue node set into node red and it failed. The problem is now node-red wont load at all in the UI and all my virtual devices in there have gone offline meaning I now cant control any of my lighting on the ihost.
CPU usage seems to have shot to over 80% also
Ive tried restarting node red and the ihost but neither is helping. Should I uninstall node-red and reinstall it or would this basically wipe all of my virtual devices?
Any help much appreciated
Have you saved a Node-red flows backup?
If so, as it seems the problem is a node which you have installed that is causing the problem then you could go back to the state you had before.
If not the alternative could be just to wait and see if the add-on UI finally loads, which might happen even if it takes a long time, reference a post of mine here
Re-installing will lose everything as the virtual devices are created from the register node in Node-red.
Hi John,
Im going to say that Im fairly new to node red that the chanxces are I havent done this (even though i should know better!)
I have just spent the last hour manually recording all of the devices data in case the chances were I lost everything. I assume if this happens I can just recreate the virtual devices with the same unique IDs and link everything back up again.
I would chance leaving it but with all of the lighting in the house currenlty stuck Im not sure what to do.
If I leave it and the UI does finally load could this happen again each time I launch the UI?
Also how do you back up the flows?
Many Thanks
Yes, but of course you could delete the (Hue?) node that started the problem.
Node red menu /Export/‘all flows’ tab/Download and save to your PC, Google Drive etc. Takes a few seconds so you can do it nearly every day.
If you need to restore just simply go to Import in the same menu.
The UI has finally loaded but just keeps telling me its lost connection to the server so although I can see the hue node in the palette I cant remove or disable it.
Are there any other ways to remove this palette?
If you position on the flow tab where the Hue node is deployed, does it allow you to go to the menu, select flows and delete that flow?
Sadly it wouldnt allow me to remove the palette but I was able to export all of my flows to my PC, delete node-red reinstall it and then import the flows back in and deploy and they all came back exactly as they should.
Thank you very much for your help John 
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