Node js api issue since Aug 10, 2023

Regarding migration methods:

1、ewelink-api-next - npm encapsulates all open v2 interfaces, including LAN functionality. Please fill in the APPID you have applied for.

2、This is an example of eWeLink OAuth2.0 login:GitHub - coolkit-carl/eWeLinkOAuthLoginDemo

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Yes, you can refer to this reply

Hi all, our technical team has released an open-source project as an alternative to the eWeLink API. For more details, please refer to this link.

Hello, I have the same authentication problem.
I’m using the node-red contrib nodes, based on the standard ewelink API.

I have a lot of ewelink devices , they are working with Alexa, but my domotic system is based on node-red that is not working due to the authentication problem

Hi Alberto. Did you manage to solve it? How?

Hi Alberto,
was you able to solve this problem?
I face the same problem in node red.


i get this error:

error: 403
msg: “Sign:oauthClient enable invalid”

however use the same credentials as the ones for