Get smart security mode setted in node-red

How can I catch what mode is set regarding ihost’s smart security in node-red?

I don’t think that information is available right now for node-red node, we will package more capabilities into Node-red nodes in the future, but it will take some time

Such things will probably arrive to Node-RED in september or so. Have a look at my topic about missing interaction with iHost hardware in Node-RED: [IDEA] Allow interaction with iHost hardware from Node-RED - #3 by joennuh

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I hope as soon as possible

Is there any news on this topic?

The new version of Node-Red node should be out now, so you can try it again - it should support this capability now.

Is the security setting also getting synchronised to the settings in Apple Home using the homebridge docker like Home Assistant does? That would be quite useful as when I leave the house that security setting automatically changes.

With Rode-red you can of course do that. But you need to write your own flow to implement these features - for example, when it detects that your phone is positioning away from your home, turn on the Away mode in smart security

No not in Node-Red, the Home Bridge plug in. When I go out Home Assistant knows I am out using Home-Bridge and arms itself. It even knows when I’m supposed to be asleep and changed to armed for sleep mode a couple of hours ago. I don’t understand why iHost and Apple Home don’t synchronise alarm status using homebridge given you already connect to homebridge.

Sorry, I can’t find it, could you clarify where I need to look the ihost is armed or now?
get-devices has not iHost

Related How to get current security mode of iHost using node red?