TH Elite Firmware 1.0.2

Hello I’m very sad. Because I bought the ThElite to replace my TH10. But you need to update firmware as soon as possible. 1) I cannot use external temperature in conjunction with NSPANEL. Thelite Temperature does not appear. The TH10 was indeed possible. 2) even with Wi-Fi nearby and with an excellent signal, it does not hide the humidity ( - - - ) this appears —- on the unit’s display inside the app and on the screen, but the pool sensor does not have DS18B20 humidity. On th10 it hides the humidity inside the app when it doesn’t have it showing only the temperature. I look forward to these fixes and firmware updates. unfortunately it is not yet possible to manually calibrate the temperature

May I know which sensor you are using with the TH Elite?

DS18B20 New

DS18B20 is a waterproof temperature sensor that cannot detect humidity.
Do you want to detect the humidity of your pool?

exactly it is just temperature and not humidity. so it shouldn’t show moisture - - - should be like in th10 hide instead of showing this - - -

Maybe you got me wrong. I have 2 TEMPERATURE sensors. The Th Elite and the TH10. The Th Elite keeps showing humidity (—) but there is no need after all the sensor is just for temperature. Th10 HIDE perfectly

ok, we’ll see if there’s a way to hide the display of humidity --%.

ok i will wait for you to update the firmware and HIDE unit. about using ThElite together with NsPanel external temperature will you solve?

In order to avoid repeated answers, I will reply to you in the ticket you initiated.