Synchronisation of devices in DIY mode (Minini) with socket S26

Would anyone know if it is possible to add a non-DIY mode device (Sonoff Mini) to a scene or group with a DIY mode device (S26). Both devices are visible in the eWeLink mobile app and the S26 can be controlled from the mobile app .LAN control and Push notifications are enabled in the eWeLink app for both Mini and S26. The Sonoff Mini , which is in DIY mode, can be controlled from the PC app and the eWeLiknk mobile app correctly displays whether the Mini is on or off. Would anyone know how to synchronize these two devices ?
Thank you in advance for any ideas.


Once it enters DIY mode, it will be detached from the eWeLink cloud, so there’s no way to sync them

Perhaps you can create a private webhook that will call the DIY device.
If you use DIY, you have a reason for it and you control the device in some way…